Games We have many great games that don’t fit into other categories. Check them out below. Mahjong Catalog Choose from over 350 different tile sets. Water Hose Connect the hyrdant to the nozzle in this tiled puzzle game. Polarity Puzzle Connect positve to negative poles with tiles on a square grid. Hot Air A puzzle game where you rearrange hot air balloons. Best of Puzzles A collection of our best puzzle games. Polyominoes Fill Fit polyominoes onto a board, completed rows are removed. Hexx Addictive puzzle game played on a hexagonal board. Black Light Use black light technology to decode passwords. Mahjong Classic Mahjong solitaire played with tiles or cards. Gravominoes Complete lines in this pure strategy piece placing game. ATM Hacker Hack into an ATM machine and steal as much money as you can. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrReddit